Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements
Tuesday, January 8, 2019 — Day B
1) Birthdays Today – January 8th…Wyleah Jaeger, Ezrah Stowers, Makenzie Tomkins.
2) DARE…Ski and Snowboard Night is Friday, January 11th.
3) Auditions for our school musical, “Guys and Dolls”, will be after school either today or tomorrow, January 9th in the auditorium. The auditions will be in front of several adults involved with the play and consist of listening to each person sing part of a song of his or her choice and read a few lines of dialog. Call backs will be after school on January 10th. Everyone who auditions will be in the play.
4) Leap…Tuesday, January 8th – Jazzercize. Backstage Crew Training that was scheduled for today has been canceled, it will be rescheduled. Tuesdays, January 8th through January 29th – Kids ‘n Canvas. Wednesdays, January 9th through February 27th – Chess Club. Thursdays, January 10th through January 31st – Ballroom Dancing. Wednesday, January 16th – Valentine Cards for Hospitalized Kids.
5) 7th and 8th grade Girls Dance will practice today after school in the wrestling room.
6) Don’t forget to sign up for the Battle of the Books. Team meetings with Ms. Hannan are beginning this week. It’s not too late to sign up for a team!