Thursday, August 27, 2020 – Hybrid B
- Thursday, August 27 is a 2 hour early release due to excessive heat.
- Birthdays Today – August 27th…Brady Metz.
- 7th and 8th grade Football and Volleyball start on August 31st for Hybrid (A) and September 1st for Hybrid (B). A physical must be on file in the office to participate. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Haverland.
- In an effort to maintain appropriate social distancing, spectator seating will be limited for all Hempstead and Senior sophomore/varsity football games this year at Dalzell Field. Therefore, unless you have a family member participating in the game and have received a “limited-spectator event pass” you will NOThave the opportunity to attend Friday night football games this year. Elementary and middle school students who have a “limited-spectator event pass” and will be attending the game MUST sit with their family and wear a mask.