Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements
Friday, December 3, 2021 – Day B
1) Birthdays Today – December 3rd…Chloe Plumley, Anthony Blackburn. December 4th…Kayden Mess, Cody Smith. December 5th…Harper Goranson, Jashaunna McFerren.
2) LEAP for today…Homework Help, All About Arts.
3) Auditions for the musical will be held after school in the auditorium on Monday, December 6th and Tuesday, December 7th. If you are interested in being in the cast, you should attend one of these days.
4) This is an announcement for 7th/8th grade students…Please be sure to check your email if you would like to sign up for Girls Dance or Boys Basketball. Both will start January 3rd and you will need a physical on file to participate.
5) 6th grade choir will meet next week on Tuesday and Thursday instead of Monday/Wednesday to rehearse for next weeks concert.