Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements
Monday, December 6, 2021 – Day A
1) Birthdays Today – December 6th…Ryder Horkheimer, Abbie Willenbrink.
2) LEAP for today…Homework Help, Gaming Unplugged, Acting Class. LEAP for Tuesday…Homework Help, Hillhawk Helpers, Vocal Coaching, Personalized Festive Mason Jars.
3) Auditions for the musical will be held after school in the auditorium today, December 6th and tomorrow, December 7th. If you are interested in being in the cast, you should attend one of these days.
4) 6th grade choir will meet this week on Tuesday and Thursday instead of Monday and Wednesday to rehearse for the concert.
5) The Jefferson Choir will be singing a holiday song on 92.9 KAT-FM this morning at 11:35 a.m. Tune in, if you are able.