Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 – Day B

1) Birthdays Today – January 18th…Aubrey Riesselman, Demond Lloyd Redmond, Aaron Young.

2) January is all about being your B.E.S.T. We have talked about Behavior and Effort. Today I’d like to have us focus on Self-Discipline. Jesse Owens shared, “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, SELF-DISCIPLINE, and effort.” Whether you want to be a professional athlete, business owner, teacher, or some other career, it doesn’t just happen. It requires you to be disciplined enough to put the work in to experience success. How are you showing self-discipline in reaching your goals?

3) LEAP for today…Homework Help, Gaming Unplugged, All About Arts. LEAP for Tuesday…Homework Help, Hillhawk Helpers.