Hillhawk Families,

As we enter the last week of voluntary learning opportunities, please continue to encourage your children to participate. This is the last week that teachers will be emailing lessons. Thank you for supporting your children’s work from home.

We are going to be doing a locker clean out, computer/hot spot, textbook and musical instrument return next week. This will also be a time to pick up medicine from the nurse.

Following are the details, please read carefully:

When: Wednesday, May 27th and Thursday, May 28th from 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

Registration: Registration is required. We ask that everyone register by noon on Friday, May 22nd. Students will have 15 minutes in our school. Students are allowed to bring one family member with them (ie. parent, older sibling, etc) into school. What happens if you don’t register, you will not be allowed to enter the building unless there is an open slot. The link to register is the same one used for parent-teacher conferences so you will be familiar with it. The link can also be found our school web page and Facebook page. The link is: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School

Needed Items: Your child needs to bring the following items to school with them during their locker clean out appointment: their student ID, a bag for items in their hallway/gym lockers, any textbooks or library books to be returned, school computers/hot spots and school music instruments.

Entering school: We will have three doors as entry points. They are the front, science and gym (back of school by locker rooms) doors. Doors will have staff allowing people in to the building. They will check to see if your student has an appointment prior to allowing entry. Upon entry, your child will receive a checklist of what needs to be done while at school. Please exit the same door you entered.

Expectations in the building: Students will pick up a checklist. Students will clean out their hallway lockers and return textbooks, library books and computers/hot spots to the library. Students need to clean out their gym lockers and return heart rate strap monitors. They will also return musical instruments by the music rooms. If your student has medicine they need to pick up, they should do so between 7:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (both days) as we have staff available at that time.

Masks and Gloves: Masks are recommended when entering our building. We will have disposable gloves at the entry doors if you’d like to use them.

Picture: If possible, we’d like your child to take a picture of them at their favorite place in/at school or leaving the building. We typically take a lot of pictures on the last day of school. We would ask that the pictures be sent to Michelle Weber at miweber@dbqschools.org We will share these on social media. Please have your child include their current grade with the picture. We will try to organize them by grades.

8th Grade Students only: Please stop by the office when you are in our building. The Jefferson PTO has something they’d like to give you to say good bye.

We are the only middle school allowing our students in the building. It is important that our students have some closure. Cleaning out their locker at the end of the year is a normal routine. What won’t be normal about it this year, is that it is usually loud as students visit with friends and are excited about summer vacation. Due to social distancing, we ask that students don’t spend time visiting or lingering at school. Reminder: If you show up to clean out a locker without an appointment, you will not be allowed in school unless there is an open slot. We are limiting the number of students in our building.

Awards Assemblies: We will hold awards assemblies for our current 6th and 7th graders next school year. We are working on details of how we are going to present our 8th grade awards. More details to come next week.

Yearbooks: We are hopeful that our yearbooks will be in next week. One of the printing companies had to shut down for a couple of weeks due to illness. We will send an email to all if they arrive prior to May 27th and 28th

This is a lot of information at one time. We will send reminder emails and phone calls as May 27th and May 28th approach.  This information is available on our school website, on the school Facebook page, and was emailed to the email address set to receive school communications on 5/19.

To sign up for a time slot, visit this link or call Jefferson – 552-4709.
