Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcement

Birthdays Today – September 4th…Derek Kelly. September 5th…John Celebrado. September 6th…Kailey Benter, Jordyn Vondal. September 7th…Anyiah Berry, Demetrius Mims.

6th grade track begins next Tuesday, September 8th. Students are to meet on the upper field and wear track clothes to school. If athletes have questions, contact Ms. Settanni or Mrs. Frederick.

In an effort to maintain appropriate social distancing, spectator seating will be limited for all Hempstead and Senior sophomore/varsity football games this year at Dalzell Field. Therefore, unless you have a family member participating in the game and have received a “limited-spectator event pass” you will NOT have the opportunity to attend Friday night football games this year. Elementary and middle school students who have a “limited-spectator event pass” and will be attending the game MUST sit with their family and wear a mask.