Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Monday, January 10, 2022 – Day A

1) Wish Diane Eisbach a happy birthday, her birthday was yesterday. Wish Kelly Bonnette a happy birthday today.

2) Birthdays Today – January 10th…Gavin Berry.

3) If you recall, our Monday Messages are centered around being our B.E.S.T. (Behavior, Effort, Self-discipline, Together) Last week, I talked about Behavior and this week’s Monday Message is focused on Effort. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” -Robert Collier. To me, this suggests success is not due to LUCK. Rather, we are in control of our own success by doing small things well every day. Things like completing homework on time, asking for help when needed, studying for an upcoming test. What does it mean to you?

4) Attn: Cast of our school musical…Rehearsal start Thursday, January 13th after school. Bring your script.

5) LEAP for today…Homework Help, Gaming Unplugged, Acting Class. LEAP for Tuesday…Homework Help, Hillhawk Helpers, Key Chain Making, Vocal Coaching.