Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Tuesday, January 4, 2022 – Day A

1) Birthdays Today – January 4th…No birthdays today.

2) Just a reminder that the student agreement we reached allowing hats and hoods, does not allow students to wear ski masks pulled down during the school day. If worn, ski masks need to be pulled up and warn like a stocking cap so we can see your face. Also, you need to wear your lanyard and ID if you are wearing a hat or hood.

3) This week we are asking everyone to focus on being their BEST Behavior. Create a daily habit. Why do we expect different results when we keep doing the same thing every day? Many are guilty of wanting change without doing anything to get it. The idea of overnight success is wrong. Success takes consistent action. Change something in your daily routine that will help you get closer to your end goal. Make this change a habit. Starting will be a challenge but consistency will make it easier. So, I ask, what can you do today to get you closer to where you want to be?

4) Still time to sign up for 7th and 8th grade Dance and Boys Basketball.

5) LEAP for today…Hillhawk Helpers, Vocal Coaching, and Guided Painting. LEAP for Wednesday…Creative Writing, and Designing Yearbook