Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Thursday, February 3, 2022 – Day A

1) Birthdays – February 3rd…HannahBelle Morgan.

2) As you know, February is Black History month. Did you notice the large collage in cafeteria? Check your email for more information on how you can enter our Black History month contest and win prizes. This week, we are challenging you to identify as many of the pictures (1-20) as you can. Please email your completed answers to either Mr. Flemming or Mrs. Zillig.

3) The Dress Up Theme for today is…Pajama Day. No School Day tomorrow. The 6th & 7th grade will have their activities today.

4) LEAP for today…Homework Help, Gaming Unplugged, Karaoke Fun & Vocal Coaching, Wonderful World of Recipes.

5) Starting next week, February 7th through February 11th…we will have a puzzle exchange in the library. Please bring your old puzzles with all the pieces and exchange for a different one.