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What's New at Jefferson Middle School

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – Day A

Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – Day A

1) Birthdays Today…October 27th…Ianna Strong. October 28th…Maiya Tye. October 30th…Isis Jemison, Shakir Walker, Karma Zirtzman.

2) The book fair is set up and ready for business! They will be open for shopping before school, during success time, and during your library visit. They will also be open during conferences on Wednesday, October 26th and Thursday, October 27th. If you are planning on shopping during the school day, be sure to come to the library with a pass from your teacher. Remember, entries for the pumpkin decorating contest are due by next Wednesday, October 26th.

3) Do you like making Tiktoks? Ever tried stop motion videos? Have a talent that’s hard to show off on stage? We still want you to get the glory. You can submit your video entries for our virtual talent show by November 1st. Entries will be aired on the TVs during lunch, and students will vote for the winners. Contact Mr. McDowell with questions and submissions.

4) Reminder, parent/teacher conferences are today (3:00-8:00) and Thursday (8:00-5:00).

5) Wrestling begins next Monday, October 31st.

6) No LEAP today after school.

7) There will be no school on Thursday or Friday this week.

Monday, October 24, 2022 – Day A

Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Monday, October 24, 2022 – Day A

1) Wish Amy Hernandez a happy birthday today.

2) Birthdays Today…October 24th…Olivia Feipel.

3) This week in 7-Mindsets, we will be discussing – “Take a Stand”. You should do what you feel is important to you and your life. When you set a goal for yourself there will always be challenges so you need to make sure that the dream you set for yourself is important to you. Stand up for yourself and what you believe in!

4) The book fair is set up and ready for business! They will be open for shopping before school, during success time, and during your library visit. They will also be open during conferences on Wednesday, October 26th and Thursday, October 27th. If you are planning on shopping during the school day, be sure to come to the library with a pass from your teacher. Remember, entries for the pumpkin decorating contest are due by next Wednesday, October 26th.

5) Reminder, parent/teacher conferences are Wednesday (3:00-8:00) and Thursday (8:00-5:00). Be sure to remind your parents to sign up for a conference time.

6) Girls’ Basketball begins today. Please report to the Library after school. Wrestling starts next Monday, October 31st.

7) Our fundraiser boat cruise on the American Lady is tomorrow. Be sure to dress for the weather.

8) LEAP today…Homework Help, All About Arts.

9) No 6th grade choir today instead 7th/8th choir will be meeting today.

Thursday, October 20, 2022 – Day A

Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Thursday, October 20, 2022 – Day A

1) Wish Michelle Weber a happy birthday today.

2) Birthdays Today…October 20th…Shane Conley, Xavion Barner.

3) This is an exciting time of year for the library! Not only is the pumpkin decorating contest going on, but the book fair will arrive this week! Once the fair is set up, they will be open for shopping before school, during success time, and during your library visit. They will also be open during conferences on Wednesday, October 26th and Thursday, October 27th. If you are planning on shopping during the school day, be sure to come to the library with a pass from your teacher. Entries for the pumpkin decorating contest are due between now and Wednesday, October 26th.

4) Reminder for 7th and 8th grade students…Girls’ Basketball starts October 24th and Wrestling starts October 31st.

5) LEAP today…Homework Help, 6th Grade Wrestling, Archery, Karaoke Fun & Vocal Coaching.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 – Day B

Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 – Day B

1) Birthdays Today…October 19th…No birthdays today.

2) Just in from the library…It’s an exciting time of year! Not only is the pumpkin decorating contest going on, but the book fair will arrive this week! Once the fair is set up, they will be open for shopping before school, during success time, and during your library visit. They will also be open during conferences on Wednesday, October 26th and Thursday, October 27th. If you are planning on shopping during the school day, be sure to come to the library with a pass from your teacher. Entries for the pumpkin decorating contest are due between now and Wednesday, October 26th.

3) Mr. Hitz is out today. Band students should report to their Success Time

4) Reminder for 7th and 8th grade students…Girls’ Basketball starts October 24th and Wrestling starts October 31st.

5) LEAP today…Homework Help, 6th Grade Wrestling, Archery, Acting 101 with Rising Star Theater, All About Arts.

Monday, October 17, 2022 – Day B

Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Monday, October 17, 2022 – Day B

1) Birthdays Today…October 17th…No birthdays today.

2) Mr. Hitz is out this morning so there is no 7th & 8th grade band. Those students should return to their Success Time.

3) This week in 7-Mindsets, we will be looking at ways to “Explore Your Interests” – Find the things you enjoy doing and do it more often! For instance, if you love to read don’t just read in school. Read before bed, read with a friend, and read about all the things you love! Exploring your interests and doing the things you love allows you to become great at them!

4) 6th Grade Wrestling is a LEAP program being offered at Jefferson starting today through Friday, October 21st. 6th graders, interested in learning about wrestling. Come to the cafeteria right after school.

5) Reminder for 7th and 8th grade students…Girls’ Basketball starts October 24th and Wrestling starts October 31st.

6) LEAP today…Homework Help, LEAP Wrestling, All About Arts.

Friday, October 14, 2022 – Day A

Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Friday, October 14, 2022 – Day A

1) Wish Mrs. Haverland and Mr. Stoffel happy a birthday. Their birthday is Sunday, October 16th.

2) Birthdays Today…October 14th…Gavin Genthe. October 15th…Richie Batongtong, Carson Kieler, Deshawna Williams. October 16th…Lauren Lacy.

3) All week long, we’ve been discussing various social skills. Today, we will be reviewing each of them: How to follow directions; How to accept “No”; How to introduce yourself and others; and How to accept feedback. You will often use each of these in your day-to-day life.

4) Just a reminder that our fundraiser cruise has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 25. You must have your permission sheet signed by a parent/guardian in order to join us on the cruise.

5) 6th Grade Wrestling is a LEAP program being offered at Jefferson on Monday, October 17th through Friday, October 21st. 6th graders, interested in learning about wrestling. Come on out to learn about the fundamentals and rules of wrestling. This is also a great opportunity to meet your future wrestling coaches at Jefferson Middle School! They can’t wait to see everyone! Students will meet in the cafeteria after school.

6) Reminder for 7th and 8th grade students…Girl’s Basketball starts October 24th and Wrestling starts October 31st.

7) LEAP today…Homework Help, Chess Club.

Thursday, October 13, 2022 – Day B

Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Thursday, October 13, 2022 – Day B

1) Birthdays Today…October 13th…No birthdays.

2) This week, our Social Skills instruction has talked about “How to follow directions”, “How to accept No” and “How to introduce or greet someone. Today, you will be learning how to accept feedback or consequences appropriately. Each of these social skills are useful in your everyday life and will help you be more successful both inside and outside of school.

3) The American Lady Cruise called me yesterday. They have double booked themselves on October 20. We are instead going on the cruise the following Tuesday, October 25. Be sure to get those permission slips handed in to your Success Time teacher or the Main Office. You must have them signed by a parent/guardian in order to join us on the cruise.

4) 6th Grade Wrestling is a LEAP program being offered at Jefferson on Monday, October 17th through Friday, October 21st. 6th graders, interested in learning about wrestling. Come on out to learn about the fundamentals and rules of wrestling. This is also a great opportunity to meet your future wrestling coaches at Jefferson Middle School! They can’t wait to see everyone! Students will meet in the cafeteria after school.

5) LEAP today…Homework Help, Archery, Karaoke Fun & Vocal Coaching.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 – Day A

Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 – Day A

1) Birthdays Today…October 12th…Lucy Houtakker, Carter Davis, Piper McElmeel.

2) Today’s Social Skills lesson is about how to “Greet others and introduce yourself and others.” This too is an important social skill that you will use daily whenever you meet someone you know or someone new.

3) 6th Grade Wrestling is a LEAP program being offered at Jefferson on Monday, October 17th through Friday, October 21st. 6th graders, interested in learning about wrestling. Come on out to learn about the fundamentals and rules of wrestling. This is also a great opportunity to meet your future wrestling coaches at Jefferson Middle School! They can’t wait to see everyone! Students will meet in the cafeteria after school.

4) LEAP today…Homework Help, Archery, All About Arts.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022 – Day B

Thomas Jefferson Middle School Announcements

Tuesday, October 11, 2022 – Day B

1) Birthdays Today…October 11th…Layla Whitemon, Omari Atkins.

2) This week in 7-Mindsets…”Focus on Strengths” Isn’t it fun to do the things you love to do? When you do the things you love to do more often you get better at them! So, if you love to read- read more books! If you love to play soccer- you should play more often! Spend your time doing what you love and what you are good at and you will get better and better!

3) Today’s Social Skill is focused on an important lesson that you will need to use multiple times a day in many situations. That Social Skill is about “Accepting No” for an answer. It certainly may not be the answer you want, but learning how to accept it graciously is an important skill.

4) As you know, Mrs. Holm’s and Mr. McMullen’s Success times are going on our fundraiser cruise on October 20. In addition, our top 20 sellers are also joining us! If you are one of the top 20 sellers, you have an email from me. Be sure to read it because it tells you what you need to do so you can go on the cruise.

5) Sports Today – 7th & 8th Grade Football…Jefferson vs. Drexler Red at Drexler beginning at 4:15 p.m.

6) LEAP today…Homework Help, Robotics, Chess Club, Archery